What is next in the world of Technology?

Kensey bailey
3 min readMay 12, 2021

The rapid advancement of technology and where it could end up in the future.

Thomas Edison. Steve Jobs. Elon Musk. These are just three names of people who throughout history have helped change the world with their inventions to help advance society. Each major invention unique to their own with Edison most famously inventing the lightbulb, Jobs founded Apple along with Steve Wozniak which led to the release of the revolutionary iPhone and Musk creating Tesla which changed the automobile industry with advancements in self steering cars as well as fully electric vehicles.

Technology has always been a thing and it has always advanced through the years to keep up with how we as the human race evolve but its always had a steady pace and has stayed at nothing more than what need to carry out our lives. It has never progressed so fast until now so it leaves a lot of questions to be asked about where it is heading and what it means and these questions need to be answered.

As we move through the 21st Century everything is moving forward so much quicker so where is this leading to in the future?

The use of robots in different work sectors is becoming a more mainstream thing companies are relying on to make the work load easier of human employees with a main example being in surgery with surgeons using programmed robots to carry out surgery to withstand the pressures of multiple surgeries a day which normally is a lengthy process. Robots are also being used in manufacturing factories with many being used to transport goods or to help fix other machinery which are broken.

Its predicted from a study carried out by Oxford students that 47% of jobs are at risk with the introduction of AI and robots. The introduction of these ‘smart’ machines could lead to mass unemployment across the globe because why would employers pay an hourly rate to humans when they can have smart technology do it for them for a one off price of just buying said technology.

There will soon be no need for taxi drivers with driverless cars or any need for manufacturing staff with AI robots being programmed to do the same job over and over with a set time limit and less mistakes that come with any person doing the same job.

I feel as though this a big positive for the owners of business as they will have less outgoings yearly and a higher production rate which will run smoother which will inevitably increase their revenue. For the general population though it is quite the opposite, this will undoubtedly lead to many people becoming unemployed and struggle to find new employment in their industry as no one will be looking for a human to work as they can just have AI do it for them. This surely bound to hurt economies in the long run with more people being on unemployment benefits unable to go out and spend money as they will not have that disposable income they once had.

Technology is a dangerous thing and it should not be played with I am all for advancing technology to help make things easier as we move on into the future as it is common sense we need to adapt and evolve if we want to keep running as a global community but I really don’t think we should be looking to completely overrun the world with this new smart tech with all problems it can bring.

